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Texas Christian University

2901 Stadium Drive TCU Box 297850 | Fort Worth, TX 76129 | 817.257.7281 | panhellvpro@tcu.edu | tcupanhellenic.com

June 03, 2024

Welcome to TCU Panhellenic Recruitment! We are so happy you are part of this process and look forward to the events ahead. We will use the Message Board to communicate with you and share information. Your Rho Gamma will also be in regular communication with you. 

A couple of important reminders: 

·        We do NOT offer refunds on the registration fee if you decide not to participate in recruitment, decide to no longer attend TCU, are ineligible due to GPA or enrollment requirements, withdraw or are released from the process, or for any other reason.

·        During Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment, PNMs must view all required videos and attend all of the events to which they are invited. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the process. A PNM may choose to withdraw from the process altogether at any point up until the Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement is signed.

·        By registering for Panhellenic Recruitment, you authorize Texas Christian University, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, and the TCU Panhellenic Council and its chapters to verify academic eligibility and access all information provided in your registration materials. Please note that the disclosure of health information can only be accessed by TCU staff and council recruitment personnel.